Anyhow, I'm writing with other photo illustrations while I work that angle out, and because I don't have a theme will be a bit more random than usual...
So, since I have lots of things I'm dying to show that I like, I'm going to write about things I don't like from NY fashion week, Oktoberfest and other stuff I've done in between. But also wanted to mention some things that I do like very much! (that doesn't require any of my photography - all images from, btw...)

Men's brogue-style shoes for women. Well, naturally, they don't have high heels, so it's like a foreign language to me, but they add further support to my suspicion that there's a "no trend left behind" campaign going on, because dig through old Vogue/Elle/Bazaars from 15 years ago and what you haven't seen people promoting as cool yet, you will. I'm still waiting for full-on Laura Ashley floral & petticoat to come back topped by a silly hat - I've already seen the high necked Victorian blouse in NY and Copenhagen (and have to say, it looked pretty cool the way I saw it worn - with high waisted, bell-shaped trousers.) But if the original 90210 (cropped t-shirt and paper bag waists and all) is being promoted as a fashion source (which I have read), guard your wallets.. A fool and his/her money, etc etc...
I saw all kinds of horrible new acid/stone wash jeans treatments in Germany, but that's such an easy target. I also saw a leopard print dirndl, which is just bad bad.. to paraphrase something I read a while ago, sometimes you don't want a variation on the theme, you want the theme. Guys get this right - I saw no '80s hair band influenced lederhosen. Just suede like it ought to be. Way to go, guys!!
Well, I hate to end on a negative note, so will mention something that I realized I like a lot as I was watching the fashion shows (aside from Matthew Ames' show, from which I've already mentally purchased about 4 things). Pants. Or trousers, but you know what I mean. I've seen some flowy pants and there's something about that look that just draws my eye. Maybe because there are so many dresses, shorts, minis, etc, in the show (and in my closet as well)... I don't know, but I like it.