You may have noticed that I haven't posted in a while, not since before the World Cup started, which is not a coincidence. But it's over now (sniff) and I am slowly getting used to a world without a constant buzzing sound in the background.
..which does make it easier to concentrate
..and remember ideas for blog posts, such as
Wardrobe challenges
There are some occasions in life that are pretty easy to dress for (work followed by summer happy hour at a bar outside), some less so.
(what I wore to work, followed by summer happy hour outside)
For example, what does one wear to a rose tasting dinner (wine, not the flower, I don't know how to insert an accent aigu), followed by a band at Terminal 5 where you'll be standing during the show and dodging dripping beer from the mezzanine and sloshing beer from the cups of dancing fans?
(hint: comfortable heels that look good for dinner and offer better view at the show; take off the dry clean only jacket when the beer starts sloshing)

Or, to a reception for the Israeli ambassador to the UN hosted by a friend of my friend Christina, shortly after the Gaza boat incident, and, your own politics aside, you don't want to inadvertently offend anyone as you are a guest after all?
The red dress I'd planned to wear is "dressy work" and seemed appropriate for a nice cocktail reception and going out after, but isn't a red keffiyeh associated with Hamas?
(and was I just really over-thinking things because it's unlikely anyone would have thought that this is a protest outfit!!?? .. and yet, Madeleine Albright did use those brooches...).

Or a semi-formal wedding at the Four Seasons restaurant (dress code: New York fabulous) and, knowing your friend who is getting married, it definitely will be fabulous.. but it is at 1pm (so you can't be too dressy), though it is likely that the after party will carry on for quite a while, and you have one hour to get from LaGuardia (after a week's vacation), home, dressed, and to midtown.
(yes, you have seen this before, but I did say that I wanted to wear this dress again as soon as I could find a reason for it!)