The tip? It sure isn't white sneakers. Sure your feet may be comfortable, but the rest of you won't be. You might be able to get away with it in daytime, but if you go anyplace in the dark, that gleaming white rubber will draw attention like a beacon. Even in hipster dives you'll get funny looks because, as far as anyone is aware, white sneakers have never successfully been worn ironically.
And here's the truth: If you want to fit in, you don't wear comfortable shoes in New York. New Yorkers don't wear comfortable shoes in New York. Every woman I know spends at least 12 hours a day, 5 days a week (plus a number of evenings) in ridiculously high shoes they don't even sell in other American cities. You think we all walk quickly because we're in a hurry? No, we're trying to get where we're going before the pain sets in. You wonder why there's a cocktail culture? Anesthetic, sweetheart!!
Of course, every city has its own packing issues... London: what summery clothes do I have that are good for 50 degree temperatures, waterproof, and won't block me from getting into clubs? Paris: what do I want to wear the first day I get there that's easy to take off and put back on, since I'm going to hit 50 stores as I shop for the wardrobe I'll wear for the rest of the trip? Germany: What shoes and coat go with a dirndl? (just kidding). Beach: is there anything in my wardrobe that will make me look tan? (yeah, kidding again. you got me!)
I've learned all this the hard way and still get things completely wrong. (Word to the wise - Thailand without some kind of water shoe makes you look VERY high maintenance when you're walking in the water, even if you're not!)... And there's often a trade-off (sometimes swapping sneakers for cute flats also brings back spasms). But just tossing in one or two of those things that aren't designed for walking all day, but that you know you can handle in your life at home (like platform sandals and high boots) will make you feel like the world is your oyster. And no, I'm not going to make some cheesy analogy about blisters and pearls being formed by irritation. But I will strongly recommend also tossing in a bunch of band-aids and some anti blister stick. Maybe also some socks.
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