May I propose a couple of alternative holidays for this time of year? Mardi Gras/Karneval/Carnaval anyone? And how about fashion week? Aren't you sick of wearing black and gray wool by now? Surely the fashion week holiday would be welcomed by stores who are trying to drum up sales in the post Christmas/post sale lull...
Celebrating Mardi Gras is pretty easy to figure out.. (and they've started in New Orleans this year already).. My proposal for celebrating fashion week as a holiday? Break out of that black and gray box. Things don't have to be so serious! Wear green nail polish, fun tights, a white dress. Guys can play too - maybe skip the nail polish and tights (unless you don't want to), but bright colors? That's not too hard. And you can celebrate at work! (I'd keep the Mardi Gras/Karneval celebration to after hours...)
Laissez les bons temps roller!!!

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